221 Simmons
17-Far SSF Cnty Area - Active
Acres: 11140
$16,000,000 - 10 BD/18 BA
39-Abiquiu - Active
Sqft: 15700 - Acres: 228.3
210 River Bank Rd and the J.F. Miller
$9,900,000 - 4 BD/4 BA
10-Hwy 285 - Active
Sqft: 6073 - Acres: 2223
18236 US Highway 64
41-Chama - Active
Sqft: 5372 - Acres: 1571
157 Mertz Place
$9,000,000 - 5 BD/7 BA
73-Colfax County - Active
Sqft: 11237 - Acres: 297.04
50 Private Drive 1706
$8,200,000 - 11 BD/13 BA
39-Abiquiu - Active
Sqft: 20276 - Acres: 261.1
Sevilleta Hills Elk Ranch
$7,900,000 - 2 BD/2 BA
88-Socorro County - Active
Sqft: 1300 - Acres: 1074
Mesa Springs Ranch
$5,900,000 - 4 BD/4 BA
28-San Miguel Cnty - Active
Sqft: 7435 - Acres: 3888
50 Private Drive 1706 B
$5,700,000 - 11 BD/12 BA
39-Abiquiu - Active
Sqft: 15300 - Acres: 138.38
101 Mesa Prieta Road
$5,150,000 - 6 BD/7 BA
39-Abiquiu - Active
Sqft: 9097 - Acres: 560
0 C'est la vie en Rose
9-Pecos, Rowe - Active
Acres: 1230
84 N Shining Sun
$4,500,000 - 3 BD/5 BA
16-Pojoaque Valley - Active
Sqft: 5683 - Acres: 3.94
38 Johnsons Ranch
26-SE of City Limit - Active
Sqft: 2785 - Acres: 366.84
691 County Road 142
$3,950,000 - 10 BD/7 BA
39-Abiquiu - Active
Sqft: 4056 - Acres: 91
116 Apache Plume Drive
7-South AND West of I-25 - Active
Acres: 2650
SE Mesa Tract & Cecil Cox Tract
41-Chama - Active
Acres: 701.38
192 Llano de La Legua
$3,500,000 - 3 BD/2 BA
70-Taos and Environ - Active
Sqft: 3500 - Acres: 285
141 Entranosa Road
$3,190,000 - 5 BD/5 BA
18-Bernalillo Cnty - Active
Sqft: 8588 - Acres: 59.78
101 Girls Ranch Road
10-Hwy 285 - Pending
Sqft: 18095 - Acres: 117.01
Rancho Azul 155 Mesa Prieta E
$2,995,000 - 5 BD/6 BA
39-Abiquiu - Pending
Sqft: 5659 - Acres: 501
17 San Acacia Road
$2,800,000 - 4 BD/3 BA
88-Socorro County - Active
Sqft: 1834 - Acres: 84
365 & 395 County Rd C53D
28-San Miguel Cnty - Active
Sqft: 1400 - Acres: 1670
14 Destierro Trail
$2,595,000 - 6 BD/8 BA
16-Pojoaque Valley - Active
Sqft: 11281 - Acres: 0